Package eu.essilab.lablib.checkboxtree
package eu.essilab.lablib.checkboxtree
ClassDescriptionThe renderer for a cell in a CheckboxTree.A renderer for the CheckboxTree.The default checking model, providing methods for storing and retrieving the checked TreePaths.Convenience class representing an empty tree checking model (cf. the Null Object pattern), whose paths are always enabled, unchecked and ungreyed.PropagatePreservingCheckTreeCheckingMode define a TreeCheckingMode with down and up recursion of the check when nodes are clicked.PropagatePreservingUncheckTreeCheckingMode define a TreeCheckingMode with down and up recursion of the check when nodes are clicked.PropagateTreeCheckingMode define a TreeCheckingMode with down recursion of the check when nodes are clicked.PropagateUpWhiteTreeCheckingMode define a TreeCheckingMode with down recursion of the check when nodes are clicked and up only when uncheck.The model for a quadristate CheckBox.Checkbox with four states.SimpleTreeCheckingMode defines a TreeCheckingMode without recursion.SingleTreeCheckingMode defines a TreeCheckingMode without recursion.An event that characterizes a change in the current checking.The listener notified when the checking in a TreeCheckingModel changes.The model for checking/unchecking the nodes of a CheckboxTree.The interface of a model for checking/unchecking the nodes of a CheckboxTree.The checking behaviors supported by this class.